Who was Quatty? Everything about Adin Ross' friend who reportedly passed away
Kick streamer Adin Ross took to his livestream on November 1 to disclose the tragic passing of one of his friends, Quatty. During the stream, Adin Ross expressed his shock and sorrow, mentioning that he and Quatty had shared moments playing the popular NBA basketball gaming series, 2K, and that his sudden death had left him deeply shaken.
Limited information is available about Quatty, but it is known that he had a Twitch account (Quatty_) with over 3.6K followers as of this writing. Additionally, he maintained an Instagram account (@rnunezzz) with slightly over 1.9K followers.
How did Quatty die? Adin Ross reveals the tragic reason behind his friend's untimely death
Streaming from his usual setup, Adin Ross was rendered speechless upon learning about Quatty's passing. Although not all of his viewers were acquainted with the deceased, Adin chose to disclose:
"No way, bro! Someone I used to play 2K with just passed away, bro! It's sad as f**k! RIP, bro. Nah, I want to tell y'all some s**t. I actually feel horrible now, on god. I DM'd him last night. I swear to god! Randomly."(Timestamp: 04:53:55)
Shortly thereafter, Adin received information regarding the cause of his friend's tragic death. He disclosed that Quatty had suffered a heart failure and had sadly passed away. Adin said:
"Chat, he passed away of heart failure, bro. But, umm, it's confirmed. I'm, like, actually shaking IRL. Like, everyone, bro - I know you guys are trolling and s**t in the chat. But, he's super young, bro. 23ish. 24."Furthermore, Adin mentioned that he had been friends with Bronny, LeBron James' son, and all three of them used to play 2K together. He said:
"I met him years ago. I used to play with him - it was him, me, and Bronny. We used to play 2K20. But, it was really random. He was super healthy, and I don't know... but, RIP, man. The craziest part was... like, I just DM'd; oh, my god! I'm really weirded out!"What did the community say?
Adin used his alternative X account (@AR15thed3mon) to express his emotions, sharing a cryptic update:
"Life is the most weird it’s ever felt for me right now. Nothing makes sense. I feel nothing."Adin's status was inundated with a multitude of comments offering condolences and showing their support following Quatty's tragic passing. Here are some of the notable reactions:
Following the news of his friend's tragic passing, Adin Ross promptly ended his stream. It remains uncertain when he intends to resume his streaming activities.
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