Mila Kunis Surprised Ashton Kutcher And Their 2 Kids With A Drive-Thru Baby Rave Check Out

As a guest on The Tonight Show, the actress opened up about that time she surprised her whole family with a drive-through ‘baby rave!’ According to her, it was the ‘worst’ and ‘greatest’ thing ever, at the same time!
Mila Kunis can get a little creative when it comes to having fun, especially since there are virtually no other options because of a certain pandemic!
That being said, as Coachella was cancelled this year because of the social distancing rules, she and husband Ashton Kutcher still managed to rave in a very unique way!
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Earlier today, while on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the actress told the story of how she surprised her fellow actor husband and their two kids with a baby rave over the Super Bowl weekend!
‘We did a lot of drive-through experiences. We have done all of them,’ she dished, going on to explain that she and Ashton prefer to give each other experiences instead of gifts.
Therefore, since his birthday was on February 7, she took him to Arcadia, where they enjoyed a ‘car picnic.’
Then, she revealed the big surprise: ‘I was like, ‘Guys, we’re going to a rave’. My husband’s like, ‘What?’ I was like, ‘Don’t worry about it. I got this.’ We show up. I am not kidding you — I took my 4-year-old and my 6-year-old and my grown-a** husband to a baby rave. It was like, lights everywhere, music. It was put on by a rave company. You felt like you were tripping on acid. They gave you these glasses [that] crystallize everything and make the lights all crazy.’
‘My kids were like this is the best experience ever. Child protective services is allowed to come after me, it’s okay. I understand,’ she joked.
It sounds like it was pretty fun all things considered!