How to get a Golden Seed in Merge Mansion

Publish date: 2024-05-28

Merge Mansion is a casual puzzle game where gamers have to work their way through various matching puzzles to churn out items to help the character Maddie fix her 40-year-old family mansion. There's a wide variety of items available in the game, with many of them dropping useful by-products.

In general, it may feel daunting, particularly for novice players, who are trying to obtain particular items like the Golden Seed. The fact that this item is essential to creating a Golden Tree and fueling the Seedling Kit adds further significance to the seed in question.

This article will provide detailed instructions on how to obtain Golden Seeds in Merge Mansion and merge them into a Golden Tree.

Guide to obtaining Golden Seeds in Merge Mansion

Merge two Bigger Pile of Seed Bags (Image via Play Games / YouTube)

Fortunately, the Golden Seed is a simple item to obtain in Merge Mansion. You will have to merge two Bigger Pile of Seed Bags (Level 4 Empty Seed Bag) to get a Golden Seed. After obtaining the Golden Seed, you must merge it several times to finally receive the Golden Tree. The various stages involved in the process are as follows:

The stage of Golden Seed in Merge Mansion (Image via Play Games/YouTube)

The Golden Tree (V) in Merge Mansion can drop exciting drops, including 1 XP Star, Bronze Coin, Bronze Coins (I), and even Bronze Coins (II). In total, you can get five drops in every recharge with a recharge time of four hours. Additionally, you can only stack up to two recharges, i.e., a total of 10 items at maximum.

On top of this, the Golden Seed is important to power the Seedling Kit, one of the main generators in the Conservatory area, to produce the required exotic flowers required to complete multiple tasks in the area. Thus, you can proceed with using Golden Seed as per your requirements.

How to get an Empty Seed Bag in Merge Mansion

Since the Empty Seed Bag is a raw material that's used to acquire the Golden Seed in Merge Mansion, you must learn how to obtain it. First off, you must empty a Large Seed Bag by collecting all 12 Orange Flower seeds to create one Empty Seed Bag.

Subsequently, you can merge the Empty Seed Bag to the required level. The merge stages are as follows:

Empty Seed Bags can be merged (Image via Play Games/YouTube)

These Large Seed Bags, in turn, are a by-product of the Seed Pouch that you can obtain from the Flower Pots or the Green Boxes. On top of this, you may also have the option to purchase Seed Bags directly from the shop. Unfortunately, this option may require the expenditure of the game's premium currency, Gems, and Coins.

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