Hitman 3 Elusive Target Arcade The Genera Silent Assassin guide
The Genera is the second Elusive Target Arcade mission added as part of Hitman 3’s March content drop. Like most other missions, it requires you to kill three Elusive Targets with added complications, making them slightly more challenging than their base forms. This guide explains how to complete all three levels of this mission with the rank of Silent Assassin.
Elusive Target Arcade Warning
All Elusive Target Arcade missions have a penalty if you fail to kill any of the targets. Should you die, you’ll be locked out of that mission in Elusive Target Arcade for 12 hours. We recommend following our routes through at least once without killing the target so that you have an idea of how they work. Then, when you’re familiar enough with the route, you can take it on for real. You can’t restart a level once you’ve started to complete objectives, which means killing targets or grabbing the items required for secondary objectives.
Level 1 – The Revolutionary

The first target in this mission is The Revolutionary, a general attempting to make a comeback and overthrow a government. The only crucial item for this level is the Guru’s Emetic Grenada, which you can pick up from the Deluxe Escalations in Hitman 3. The best starting location is the village bus stop.

From your starting location, run to the left down the street. There’s a building with a staircase going up its side and a man working on building a wall at the top. Use instinct close to this building to see if a man is sitting in a chair on the first floor. He’ll have two guards with him. This is your target, but he can spawn in a few different places. If you don’t see him here, you can run off to find him if you want, but we’d recommend restarting the mission until he spawns here. See below for a map reference for this building.

When the target is in this position, run around the back of the building and throw the Guru’s Gas Grenade through the window. This will only poison the target, causing him to come downstairs through the nearby door and vomit over the wall.

When the target walks out through the door, get behind him and throw him over the wall. If you don’t reach him in time and his guard follows, you can pick up a brick to subdue them before killing the target. When the target is dead, head to the bus stop for an exit.
Level 2 – The Appraiser

The second target in this mission is The Appraiser. You need to kill the target and take the book they’re guarding before you can exit, and you must do it all without being caught on camera. If a camera sees you, you need to delete the security footage. Our route avoids all cameras, but it’s worth keeping an eye out anyway. You’ll need a silenced pistol like the Krugermeier 2-2 Dark and a lockpick for this mission. Our route begins at the harbor starting location.

From your spawn point, run into the location, and the main gathering of people crowded around the fire, as you normally would. Towards the back of this area is a gap on the wall with a man in a white robe. Run towards him and go right around the wall until you find a hole in the church’s wall that will allow you to get inside. See below for a map reference for this location.

Go through the wall and turn left. There are two guards in the next room that you’ll need to subdue and hide in the nearby container before moving forward. While you can take one of their disguises, it’s not essential. Instead, head outside through the second hole on the opposite side of the church, and turn back on yourself to the left to see a drainpipe. Climb it to the top.

From the top, climb down to the locked door and use the lockpick to go through it. You’ll need to sneak past the guards in tis room and vault out of the broken window. At this point, you’ll be in a courtyard. Turn off the generator in front of you to distract the nearby worker into coming round, but turn it back on as soon as you can. Hide in the nearby container until the worker comes around, then subdue him and dump his body. You can now put on his disguise.

Now you have the correct disguise, move into the next building and pick up the book on the counter. This is the secondary objective.

With book in hand, make your way over to the small alley a the end of the courtyard. This is where your target will come to smoke when she realizes that her book is gone. You must flip a coin to distract the nearby worker into looking the opposite way, then shoot the valve on the canister in this alleyway. It will start spewing gas once you’ve shot it, preparing the trap for your target.

Finally, make your way to an exit. Your target will be dead in a matter of minutes.
Level 3 – The Politician

The final level of this Elusive Target Arcade mission is The Politician. You don’t need anything special for this target, but make sure you bring a silenced pistol that you’re comfortable with.

From your starting location, make your way over to the house on this map and get into the dining area to pick up the car keys from a bowl on the table. You can do this either by moving around the side and waiting for a guard to open the garage door, or by moving around the back of the house and taking out the guard on the back door there. If you try to go in through the garage, there are other guards to worry about. If you head for the door at the back of the house, you’ll need a lockpick or crowbar. See below for a map reference for the car keys.

Once you have the keys, make your way around to the back of the house, to the right of the garage door, and look up at the balcony on the right. There’s a lamp on it that you can shoot to sabotage.

Do so, then wait for your target to come out and smoke. When she does, she’ll blow up the lamp and die. Now you can leave the area using the nearby cars as an exit.
About the author

Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
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