Charles Jake Messimer comes under fire for questioning homeowner about LGBTQ flag
A trespasser who has since been identified as Charles Jake Messimer is facing the internet’s heat after verbally attacking a Rogue River, Oregon homeowner for their LGBTQ flag. The former walked up to a stranger’s house and questioned them as to why they had the flag hoisted. A video of the same was then uploaded online leading to many hoping to find more information about him. He has since been accused of being against Antifa and Black Lives Matter along with being against the Pride community.
The video in question garnered immense traction online once posted by popular TikTok figure TizzyEnt. In the video, the homeowner can be seen asking Charles Jake Messimer if she can help him. He goes on to say- “what makes you guys think it’s right to fly that flag.” He was referring to the resident’s Pride flag.
The videographer responded by saying:
“I mean my right as a community member. Can you please get off my property before I call the police?”Messimer responds by saying- “call them all you want. It’s not acceptable anymore.”
The trespasser then accused the homeowner of spreading a “disgusting agenda.” He then shouted at her to “get out of Rogue River.”
At the time of writing this article, the video which was uploaded to TizzyEnt’s Twitter page had amassed over 400K views and counting.
Netizens respond to viral Charles Jake Messimer video
The video was quick to go viral across social media platforms due to its anti-LGBTQ nature. Several netizens hoped that Messimer would be held accountable for his actions by receiving trespassing charges. Others were enraged to see him display his ideologies. A few reactions to the video read:
Charles Jake Messimer had not released a public statement in regard to the matter at the time of writing this article.
Charles Jake Messimer gets exposed by reporter
In light of the video going viral, a reporter attempted to get a comment from Charles Jake Messimer. Twitter user @warriorrabbit claimed that the latter was an employee at Wood Chuck Tree Werks. Messimer was heard telling the journalist:
“I want you guys to know that you will not make it out of this. You will not bring your toxicity into the community. I will make sure that you guys do not rise here.”The journalist also said in a social media post that Messimer was “unhinged, “truly off the hook disturbed, and pissed” about being caught for his actions. The former also claimed that in an unrecorded segment of his phone with Messimer, he went into extensive detail about his hatred towards Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the LGBTQ community among “other things.”
The interviewer ended his post by claiming that Messimer is a “god*mned timebomb ticking.”
The incident comes just as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People issues a travel advisory for Florida following Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ “hostile” LGBTQ policies. The controversial politician has signed off on several bills which pose a threat to the community. Netizens continue to dissent against him.
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