10,000 B.C. | Rotten Tomatoes

Oct 07, 2011
If you're a 11 year old boy, you will probably love this movie. It has violence, special effects and a love intrest. That's all it takes to entertain 11 year old boys. However, if you are 13+ years old and have a brain, you'll probably end up hating it. The acting is really bad, the plot doesn't make sense, and it steals scenes from better movies like ALL THE TIME. Let me start of by saying, if you've seen Apocalypto, you've seen 10,000 B.C. Ancient man tries to save loved one from civilization who captured loved one. Take away the bloody violence, the Mayans and "Apocalypto"s shear emotion and meaningfulness and throw in Mammoths, violence and cave men and you've got 10,000 B.C. The whole film seems to be incredibly unoriginal. Guy is a loser. Guy becomes hero. Guy falls in love with girl. Girl gets captured. I bet you if I chose a random movie on Netflix, it would have the exact same plot. What's worse is, the plot isn't even fully explained, particularly in the kidnapping scene. Who are these kidnappers? Where do they come from? Also, why does it take like 2 days for the protagonists to make it from the snowy mountains to the jungle to the desert? Were they traveling in hyper speed? Oh wait, I forgot. This movie is not made for thinking. The character development in this movie is some of the worst I've seen in a VERY long time. The characters have no personality at the beginning of the film, and they have none at the end. The relationship between D'Leh and Evolet is very underdeveloped. Not only do they barely know each other yet they fall in love in like two seconds. On top of that, we get no back story on any character in the movie, making me not care about any of them. The acting in the film was awful as well. Steven Strait overacts and underacts, performing a down right awful performance comparable to Barry Pepper's performance in "Battlefield: Earth". Ben Badra was pretty bad too, downright awful, though I don't blame him considering most of his dialogue consists of grunts and random yells. The dialogue in this movie is awful. It sounds like it was written by an 8 year old with quotes like "Do not eat me when I set you free". It's comparable to any of the quotes in "Battlefield: Earth" or "Troll 2" (2 Battlefield Earth refrences. I thought we'd have more.) Imagine an entire script like the line you just read, and you've got this films dialogue. 10,000 B.C is watching a kid playing LEGOs with a large and expensive budget. It's an ugly, witless, bland film filled with cliches that blantantly rips off scenes from other films. (The spear throw= "The Scorpion King", e.t.c)If you still really want to see this movie, go watch "Apocalypto" while watching "Battlefield: Earth" while shaking your head.
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